India first gay pride parade

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It advanced in spreading the message of equality across the city.Īlso read: US Issues First American Passport With Gender Neutral Tag LGBTQ Community Rejoices 6. Pune’s first-ever pride parade was held in 2011. The support in Pune for the LGBT community has expanded. The city’s first-ever Pride Parade was held in 2015. The pink city, Jaipur is gradually but surely making its voice heard. Delhi located in close proximity, makes it the top place near Delhi for any romantic getaways for couples.Īlso read: India’s First Openly Gay Prince Transforms His Palace Into Community Centre For The LGBTQ+ 4.

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AgraĪgra is the most popular LGBT-friendly destination in India. The parade usually starts from Barakhamba Road to Jantar Mantar. The Pride Parade in Delhi is a yearly procession to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all genders.

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